Opleiding: Conservation of Monuments and Sites (E)
Studieniveau: Master-na-master - HO
Studiegebied: Toegepaste wetenschappen
Belangstellingsdomeinen: Exacte wetenschappen, Plastische kunsten, Techniek, Wiskunde-cijferwerk,
Schoolvakken SO: Architecturale vorming, Bouw, Wetenschappelijk tekenen,

KU Leuven

Beroepsbeschrijving- en uitwegen

Employment options for graduates from the RLICC are numerous and wide - spread.
Alumni are currently working as independent professionals in conservation and restoration of architectural heritage all over the world.
They display highly appreciated professional experience in private architecture and restoration offices as well as in leadership and policymaking positions in regional, national and international conservation institutions such as UNESCO, ICOMOS and the Council of Europe.
All levels of the heritage administration, be they regional, national or international, count RLICC alumni among their ranks.

KU Leuven, (2)
    Oude Markt 13
3000 Leuven
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 30-01-2024


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