Opleiding: Social sciences
Afstudeerrichting: Political sciences (E)
Studieniveau: Academische bachelor - HO
Studiegebied: Politieke en Sociale wetenschappen
Belangstellingsdomeinen: Sociale wetenschappen,
Schoolvakken SO: Sociale wetenschappen,

The Bachelor in Social Sciences is the joint project of Ghent University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. All courses take place in Brussels, at the campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The registration also takes place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

This English-taught programme tears down the walls between political science, sociology and communication studies, allowing for a synergy between these three disciplines. Social Sciences offers knowledge on several influential factors with a vast impact on society: political organisations and power, human interaction and digital networks. Studying the three aforementioned disciplines isn’t possible without the strong methodological core this programme offers: an indispensable discipline for all scientific research, where you’ll learn domain specific methodologies and statistics, with plenty of opportunities to put theory into practice.

During the first two years of your programme, you’ll get acquainted with Political Studies, Sociology and Communication Studies. You’ll be taking a critical look at timeless issues that arise in political science and immerse yourself in the world of thought of sociologists, when you’re not pondering the research questions that are raised during the classes of ‘communication studies’. Then, in your third year, you’ll be able to choose one of those three to specialise in, along with one advanced research methods course linked to your chosen orientation.

Political Science:

In your first year you spend quite some time coming to terms with fundamental principles and concepts in political science. In your second year, you start applying these for a critical look at timeless issues in political science - you learn about the political deliberation of conflict and contradiction in societies. If you choose the political orientation for your third bachelor year, the focus of your courses shifts to contemporary global and European topics.

The programme also provides for an optional methodological course, which you can use to improve your methodological knowledge.

By the end of the bachelor’s education, you’ll write a bachelor paper. This will be accompanied by discussion seminars: all aiming for the integration of the theoretical and methodological knowledge, skills and attitudes you’ve already acquired throughout the programme. The internship can be a part of this paper: you might have research questions that you can answer through an internship in the international institutions and international social- and media organisations located in Brussels. Students can combine the research of their bachelor paper with an internship in one of the many international organizations located in Brussels. This internship is not mandatory, but provides the opportunity to gain field experience in international organizations. The internship should be related to the research questions of the bachelor paper. In case of an internship, the bachelor paper will account for 6 SP, the internship for an additional 6 SP. The internship will last for maximum 8 weeks.

Beroepsbeschrijving- en uitwegen

There is no doubt that Bachelors of Sciences in Social Sciences (BScSS) will stand out on the labour market. However, the biggest added value of the program lies in paving the way for ambitious follow-up trajectories, such as Master programs and internships. 
Your third bachelor year is designed to help you prepare for this choice. You ‘major’ in one of the three social sciences composing the program.
It allows you to build expertise in this domain, but without losing track of the other two.
That way all choices for Master programs remain open, but you’ll have more insight on what you really want to master in. 

At the same time, this last bachelor year offers you multiple contacts with professionals from organisations gravitating around the EU institutions through guest lectures, site visits and internships.
A great way to start building your network, with an eye on the future.

Hier een overzicht van mogelijke aansluitende beroepen uit de beroependatabase van onderwijskiezer. 
Er kunnen steeds nog andere mogelijkheden zijn. 
Klik op een beroep voor meer informatie.

    Social sciences : Communication studies (E) (Academische bachelor - HO)
    Social sciences : Sociology (E) (Academische bachelor - HO)
Na een academisch gerichte bacheloropleiding ga je normalerwijze een masteropleiding volgen. Let wel dat je niet automatisch in al deze masters toegelaten wordt! Het kan zijn dat je eerst een voorbereidingsprogramma moet volgen.
Masteropleidingen binnen dit studiegebied
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Communicatiemanagement  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Film- en televisiestudies  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Journalistiek  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Journalistiek in de digitale samenleving  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Media en samenleving  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Media, cultuur en beleid  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Media, strategie en marketing  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Mediapsychologie  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Mediastudies  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Nieuwe media en maatschappij  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Strategie en organisatie  
  Communicatiewetenschappen : Strategische communicatie  
  Communication sciences: digital media and society (E)  
  Communication studies : Digital Media in Europe (E)  
  Communication studies : Journalism and Media in Europe (E)  
  Conflict and Development Studies (E)  
  Digital communication leadership (E)  
  Educatieve masteropleiding Maatschappijwetenschappen  
  Filmstudies en visuele cultuur  
  Global Studies (Erasmus Mundus) (E)  
  International Politics (E)  
  Internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie  
  Political Science (E)  
  Political science: European an international governance ((E)  
  Politieke communicatie  
  Politieke wetenschappen : Democratie en leiderschap  
  Politieke wetenschappen : Internationale politiek  
  Politieke wetenschappen : Nationale politiek  
  Politieke wetenschappen : zonder specifieke afstudeerrichtingen  
  Public sector innovation and eGovernance (E)  
  Publiek management en beleid  
  Sociaal werk  
  Sociaal werk en sociaal beleid  
  Sociale en militaire wetenschappen (KMS)  
  Sociology (E)  
  Vergelijkende en internationale politiek  
  Verder studeren kan ook in een prostgraduaat. De toelatingsvoorwaarden kunnen verschillen per opleiding.
  Verder studeren kan ook in een Ba-na-Na. De toelatingsvoorwaarden kunnen verschillen per opleiding.
Mits het volgen van een voorbereidingsprogramma of verkorte bachelor zijn er ook nog andere opleidingen mogelijk. De mogelijkheden hangen af van je vooropleiding, EVC’s, EVK’s ... Contacteer de instellingen voor hoger onderwijs voor concrete informatie.
  • http://associatie.kuleuven.be/wanaba
  • http://www.ugent.be/studiekiezer
  • http://www.universitaireassociatiebrussel.be/verder-studeren-en-herorienteren
  • http://www.associatie-antwerpen.be/
  • http://www.auhl.be
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus ()
    Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Universiteit Gent, Campus Gent (4)
    Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33
9000 Gent
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 11-02-2022


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