Economic diplomacy (E) - Postgraduaat |
Algemene info
Hieronder kan je de inhoudelijke informatie van de opleiding per instelling raadplegen.
Voor een postgraduaat bepaalt de organiserende onderwijsinstelling zelf de toelatingsvoorwaarden.
Opleiding: Economic diplomacy (E)
Studieniveau: Postgraduaat - HO
Studiegebied: Economische en Toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Participants in this programme are instructed in the legal and business aspects of economic diplomacy through a combination of academic and practitioner-led courses, complemented by a series of skills and thematic workshops. Compulsory courses are followed by either elective subjects in Washington and/or Shanghai, an internship, or a thesis. All designed to ensure that our graduates are ready for a career in economic diplomacy.
This programme is designed to enable graduates to enter the labour market or improve their career prospects within and beyond the field of economic diplomacy.
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 04-10-2024 |

Economic diplomacy (E) - Postgraduaat |
Algemene info
Hieronder kan je de inhoudelijke informatie van de opleiding per instelling raadplegen.
Voor een postgraduaat bepaalt de organiserende onderwijsinstelling zelf de toelatingsvoorwaarden.
Opleiding: Economic diplomacy (E)
Studieniveau: Postgraduaat - HO
Studiegebied: Economische en Toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Participants in this programme are instructed in the legal and business aspects of economic diplomacy through a combination of academic and practitioner-led courses, complemented by a series of skills and thematic workshops. Compulsory courses are followed by either elective subjects in Washington and/or Shanghai, an internship, or a thesis. All designed to ensure that our graduates are ready for a career in economic diplomacy.
This programme is designed to enable graduates to enter the labour market or improve their career prospects within and beyond the field of economic diplomacy.
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 04-10-2024 |