Hydrography B (E) - Postgraduaat
Hydrography B (E) - Postgraduaat |
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Voor een postgraduaat bepaalt de organiserende onderwijsinstelling zelf de toelatingsvoorwaarden.
Opleiding: Hydrography B (E)
Studieniveau: Postgraduaat - HO
Studiegebied: Nautische wetenschappen
Belangstellingsdomeinen: Exacte wetenschappen,
In the past hydrography was a purely naval concern (e.g. Admiralty Hydrographic Office UK) but since the 1950’s hydrography has been used in the offshore and dredging industry.
Nowadays hydrographic knowledge is also used ashore, e.g. investigation of the underwater structure of reservoirs and dams.
This specialized work is carried out by a hydrographic surveyor.
He will not only be involved during preparatory activities but also during execution and follow up actions.
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 10-11-2023 |
Hydrography B (E) - Postgraduaat |
Algemene info
Hieronder kan je de inhoudelijke informatie van de opleiding per instelling raadplegen.
Voor een postgraduaat bepaalt de organiserende onderwijsinstelling zelf de toelatingsvoorwaarden.
Opleiding: Hydrography B (E)
Studieniveau: Postgraduaat - HO
Studiegebied: Nautische wetenschappen
Belangstellingsdomeinen: Exacte wetenschappen,
In the past hydrography was a purely naval concern (e.g. Admiralty Hydrographic Office UK) but since the 1950’s hydrography has been used in the offshore and dredging industry.
Nowadays hydrographic knowledge is also used ashore, e.g. investigation of the underwater structure of reservoirs and dams.
This specialized work is carried out by a hydrographic surveyor.
He will not only be involved during preparatory activities but also during execution and follow up actions.
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 10-11-2023 |